A function is created to be called when a change event occurs on a span
tag as seen in the code snippet below.
$(".price-box").on("change", ".normal-price .price-wrapper span.price", function() {
console.log('Hello, I am happy to be called');
// Get the value of the span element
var price = $(".price-box .normal-price .price-wrapper span.price").html();
// Clean and Convert the value to cents
var priceCents = parseInt(parseFloat(price.replace(/[^\d.]/g,'')) * 100);
// If value is different from existing Klarna product placement value, update it.
// and then call Klarna with refresh-event to refresh the placement.
var oldPurchaseAmt = $(".product-add-form klarna-placement").attr("data-purchase-amount");
if (priceCents != oldPurchaseAmt) {
$(".product-add-form klarna-placement").attr("data-purchase-amount", priceCents);
// Trigger event to refresh
window.KlarnaOnsiteService = window.KlarnaOnsiteService || [];
window.KlarnaOnsiteService.push({ eventName: 'refresh-placements' });
Below is the complete JS file including the above code snippet.
function get_pmm_shipping_text() {
var v_text = "",
exceptions="MB TB OM",
little_truck= '<img src="https://images.perfectshoppers.com/4b15739013799.png" class="altattr" alt="Free Shipping">';
// NOTE: pmm_vendor_code, pmm_sku and pmm_price are pre-existing variables
console.log("Vendor Code=" + pmm_vendor_code + ", SKU=" + pmm_sku + "Price=" + pmm_price);
notFree.indexOf(pmm_vendor_code)>-1 ? free="" : free = "FREE,"; // if prefix not in "notFree" variable, shipping is FREE regardless of price.
pmm_price > 49 ? free="FREE," : free="" ; // everything over $49 ships free.
// thresh>"" && netprice<thresh ? free="" : ''; // below shipping threshold nullifies free shipping (thresh and netprice are not defined)
pmm_vendor_code == "E2" ? free = "FREE," : ""; // forces FREE for E2 (Electric Mirror alternate vendor code)
switch(pmm_vendor_code){ // exceptions items to vendor Free or Not-Free
case "BB" : pmm_sku == "BB01" ? free = "FREE," : '' ;
case "JA" : pmm_price > "32" ? free = "FREE," : '';
case "MD" : pmm_price > "32" ? free = "FREE," : '';
case "LC" : pmm_price > "57" ? free = "FREE," : '';
// REMEMBER free (lower case) is a variable
cost = "In stock! Shipped "+free+" usually on the ";
switch (pmm_vendor_code){
case "AB" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> " ; break; // Amba
case "AG" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> " ; break; // alkaglam
case "AY" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup> "; break; // ayurderm
case "BB" : ship_info=cost+"next " ; break; // NOT free -butterbabes
case "CL" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup> " ; break; // clear mirror
case "CB" : ship_info=cost+"same or next "; break; // cannaBon
case "CP" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> " ; break; // contrapac
case "CY" : ship_info=cost+"same or next " ; break; // cyberderm
case "DB" : ship_info=cost+"same or next " ; break; // Dear by Renee
case "DN" : ship_info=cost+"next " ; break; // dia naturals
case "E2" : ship_info=cost+"6<sup>th</sup> to 8<sup>th</sup> " ; break; // electric mirror backlit mirrors
case "E3" : ship_info=cost+"3<sup>rd</sup> to 6<sup>th</sup> " ; break; // electric mirror Cordova brand
case "EM" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup> " ; break; // electric mirror
case "FS" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> " ; break; // foster and lake
case "GH" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> " ; break; // stan pardente ghd
case "HR" : ship_info=cost+"same or next "; break; // hair restoration
case "JA" : ship_info=cost+"same or next " ; break; // JAVA skin care
case "JD" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> ";break; // Jerdon
case "KY" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> "; break; // kimball & young / aptations
case "LC" : ship_info=cost+"same or next "; break; // l.a. christine
case "LU" : ship_info=cost+"same or next "; break; // luce skincare
case "LW" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> " ; break; // stemulation
case "MD" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> "; break; // MDSolarSciences
case "MH" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> to 3<sup>rd</sup> " ; break; // more hair naturally
case "MY" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> to 3<sup>rd</sup> " ; break; // marcus york
case "RE" : ship_info=cost+"same or next "; break; // replete skincare
case "NO" : ship_info=cost+"same or next "; break; // gentleman's foundry
case "SK" : ship_info=cost+"next " ; break; // skin triks
case "SQ" : ship_info=cost+"same or next " ; break; // skintifique
case "SY" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> or 3<sup>rd</sup>" ; break; // shunly
case "TB" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> or 3<sup>rd</sup>" ; break; // to bee products
case "TH" : ship_info=cost+"1<sup>st</sup> or 2<sup>nd</sup> " ; break; // thalgo
case "UC" : ship_info=cost+"2<sup>nd</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup>";break; // upper canada (danielle creations)
case "VT" : ship_info=cost+"next " ; break; // vintage traditions
case "xx" : ship_info=cost+"same or next"; break; // pmm inventory product
console.log("Ship Info=" + ship_info);
if (exceptions.indexOf(pmm_vendor_code)==-1){ // if vendor is not in the exceptions string use the cases above
if (free=="FREE," || pmm_vendor_code == "E2"){ // display the little truck // E2 to force it for E2 - doesn't work otherwise
v_text = little_truck + ' <strong>' + ship_info + ' business day.</strong>';
} else { // no little truck
v_text = '<strong> ' + ship_info +' business day.</strong>';
} else { // following vendors are in the exceptions string
switch (pmm_vendor_code){
case "MB" : v_text = '<span style="color:#A300FC;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold" >'+little_truck+' Shipped FREE, directly to you via <span style="color:#FF0000">FedEx International Express</span> in about 14-21 days, directly from Paris, France.</span>'; break; // miroir brot
case "OM" : v_text = '<span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">'+little_truck+' 8 oz. size ships FREE.<br />Also shipped FREE: 2 oz. size purchased together with 8 oz. size - or - 3 or more 2 oz. size.<br /><br />Shipment is from Canada after 1 business day. Time in transit to locations in the continental US is 3 to 5 business days.</span>'; break; // oil me north
case "TB" : v_text = '<span style="font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold">Ships FREE when purchased together with ToBee 3-Pack</span>'; break; // to bee products
console.log("V Text=" + v_text);
return v_text;
} // end of get_pmm_shipping_text()
// --------------------------------- miroir brot vacation --------------------------------------------------------
var brot_start = new Date(2019,06,28),
brot_end = new Date(2019,07,30);
if (today_date => brot_start && today_date <= brot_end){
$(".product-name").after('<div id="brot_vacation" style="text-align: left;font-size: large; color: #9900ff;">Miroir Brot will be CLOSED for summer vacation from August 5th through August 30th.<br /><br /><strong>Order by <span style="color: #ff0000;">Thursday, July 25th</span> for shipment before vacation closing.</strong><br /><br />Orders placed after July 25th will be shipped after August 30th.</div>');
} */
// Normally add the bind to a parent which will be stable.
$(".price-box").on("change", ".normal-price .price-wrapper span.price", function() {
console.log('Hello, I am happy to be called');
// Get the value of the span element
var price = $(".price-box .normal-price .price-wrapper span.price").html();
// Clean and Convert the value to cents
var priceCents = parseInt(parseFloat(price.replace(/[^\d.]/g,'')) * 100);
// If value is different from existing Klarna product placement value, update it.
// and then call Klarna with refresh-event to refresh the placement.
var oldPurchaseAmt = $(".product-add-form klarna-placement").attr("data-purchase-amount");
if (priceCents != oldPurchaseAmt) {
$(".product-add-form klarna-placement").attr("data-purchase-amount", priceCents);
// Trigger event to refresh
window.KlarnaOnsiteService = window.KlarnaOnsiteService || [];
window.KlarnaOnsiteService.push({ eventName: 'refresh-placements' });
], function($) {
var docloch=document.location.href,new_title="";
// Commented out as the Tab is not opening by default.
// $("#tab-label-product.info.description").click();
setTimeout(function() {
$("#pmm_shipping").html('<br><div style="margin:-40px 0 15px">'+get_pmm_shipping_text()+'</div>');
}, 750); // end of setTimeout
// make the word CLOSEOUT red on product pages
if ($("h1").text().indexOf("CLOSEOUT!")>-1 || $("h1").text().indexOf("OPEN BOX!")>-1){
var newT= $("h1").html();
newT = newT.replace("CLOSEOUT!",'<span style="color:#FF0000">CLOSEOUT!</span>');
newT = newT.replace("OPEN BOX!",'<span style="color:#FF0000">OPEN BOX!</span>');
}); // end of $ function
Could you please point out the mistake being present which triggers Uncaught TypeError: $
is not a functionThank you.