Magento 2 order date showing wrong in Invoice PDF,the order date is showing correct in admin order page but it is not showing correct when generate invoice PDF.

Magento 2 admin order page(looks good) please check screenshot enter image description here

When generate invoice PDF then in PDF date is showing wrong please check screenshot enter image description here

1 Answer 1


This is Magento issue, you can apply patch

https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/26675 - Magento issue 26675

https://pastebin.com/YtzX09gL - patch

  1. composer require cweagans/composer-patches
  2. Create root subdirectory called patches and create file `datetime_format_2_3_5.patch.
  3. Add pastebin content to this file (https://pastebin.com/YtzX09gL)
  4. Add to your composer.json:

enter image description here

  1. And run composer update --lock

(with composer-exit-on-patch-failure set to true, composer will complain if the patch is no longer applicable on a certain version of Magento, which is very handy.)

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