I have created two themes one is for mobile and other for desktop and tablet. I have added user agent rule for only mobile but reflected on iPad and Tablet in Magento 2 latest version. can anyone know this issue..
1 Answer
You can use below solution to catch every tablet and every mobile device for different theme.
I found one solution.
first you need to add user agent for tablet like as below.
with this user agent you will select every tablet device.
after that you need to add user agent for mobile device like as below.
/Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/
with this user agent you will select mobile devices.
for more information about user agent you can check below link.
also you can refer this question.
Magento 2: How to setup separate theme for desktop and mobile?
hope this answer will work for you.
Thank you