I've done an update to Magento and now I have a problem:
In the cron logs I have
main.ERROR: Cron Job sales_send_order_emails has an error: Return value of Magento\Framework\Filter\DirectiveProcessor\DependDirective::process() must be of the type string, object returned. Statistics: {"sum":0,"count":1,"realmem":0,"emalloc":0,"realmem_start":79691776,"emalloc_start":29990192} [] []
main.CRITICAL: Error when running a cron job {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Error when running a cron job at /vendor/magento/module-cron/Observer/ProcessCronQueueObserver.php:330, TypeError(code: 0): Return value of Magento\\Framework\\Filter\\DirectiveProcessor\\DependDirective::process() must be of the type string, object returned at /vendor/magento/framework/Filter/DirectiveProcessor/DependDirective.php:53)"} []
Confirmation email is not sending and also when I got in admin to the order, and then click on Send Email
is also not working.
I've tried to send a comment on an order, and that one is working.
Can someone help?