when issuing a refund from the braintree or paypal panel the orders in Magento 2.3.4 are not set to "closed" and no credit memo is being created. Is there any setting I need to adjust? Payments work great otherwise. Any help appreciated.
edit: getting following error
[2020-03-19 10:07:13] main.CRITICAL: The "braintree_paypal" method isn't available. {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): The \"braintree_paypal\" method isn't available. at /home/cloudpanel/htdocs/www.myshop.com/vendor/magento/module-paypal/Model/Ipn.php:109)"}
paypal IPN is set to https://myshop.com/paypal/ipn
I read that I dont have to set this because magento is sending the IPN URL anyway but without it paypal doesnt send any request.
I have no problems with paypal express btw. With or without IPN setting in paypal