So I'm writing a module that would rewrite this class: Mage_Bundle_Block_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tab_Attributes_Special.

It rewrites the getElementHtml() method.

My question is, how do I reference this in my modules main etc/config.xml? I would normally think it would be done like this:


Is that config.xml done correctly? If not, how should I do it?

2 Answers 2




We can rewrite a "deeply" nested block as like a "leastly" nested block. :)

Suppose the method that you need to rewrite a block Namespace_Modulename_Block_Nest1_Nest2_Nest3_Nest4_Nest5, then your rewrite should look like


and your block definition should look like this

Location : app/code/local/MyNamespace/MyModuleName/Block/Namespace/Mynest1/Mynest2/Mynest3/Mynest4/Mynest5.php

class MyNamespace_MyModuleName_Block_Namespace_Mynest1_Mynest2_Mynest3_Mynest4_Mynest5 
    extends Namespace_Modulename_Block_Nest1_Nest2_Nest3_Nest4_Nest5
   //rewriting method comes here.

You can rewrite the block anywhere in you Module's block scope. It is not a strict rule your block definition should look like MyNamespace_MyModuleName_Block_Namespace_Mynest1_Mynest2_Mynest3_Mynest4_Mynest5. Your rewrite may be MyNamespace_MyModuleName_Block_Namespace_Mynest5. For that case, the location your file resides and hence the classname changes accordingly.

Hope it gives some general idea

  • 1
    Actually I found that in the <rewrite> element you don't do <namespace_nest1_nest2_etc> you just do <nest1_nest2_etc> and also by convention Namespace comes before Block in the actual value like: MyNamespace_MyModuleName_Namespace_Block_Nest1_Nest2_etc. (though it doesn't really matter because you can technically call it whatever you want I think, it just comes down to convention).
    – CommaToast
    Commented Jul 29, 2014 at 19:07
  • @CommaToast: Thanks for pointing out the error. I edited my answer. I am normally use Mynamespace_Mymodulename_Block_Namespce_etc to define my rewrite block. As I already mentioned at last part of my answer, its not at all a strict rule. Thanks again for your time. :) Commented Jul 30, 2014 at 0:53

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