I am new in MAgento2, and I installed custom module of Magento 2.3 to add image file upload configuration in system.xml. But i encountred this isuue when i try to save the config :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Config:etc/system_file.xsd">
<tab id="mageplaza" translate="label" sortOrder="10">
<section id="helloworld" translate="label" sortOrder="130" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<label>Hello World</label>
<group id="general" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0" showInStore="0">
<label>General Configuration</label>
<field id="image_upload" translate="label" type="image" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<label>Image Upload</label>
<!-- Backend model which saves uploaded files on a defined directory path -->
<base_url type="media" scope_info="1">don/post</base_url>
<!-- Comment about allowed extensions of uploaded files which are defined in the backend model -->
<comment><![CDATA[Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, svg]]></comment>
my backend_model Image.php :
namespace Mageplaza\HelloWorld\Model\Config\Backend;
class Image extends \Magento\Config\Model\Config\Backend\Image
* The tail part of directory path for uploading
const UPLOAD_DIR = 'don/post';
* Upload max file size in kilobytes
* @var int
protected $_maxFileSize = 2048;
* Return path to directory for upload file
* @return string
* @throw \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
protected function _getUploadDir()
return $this->_mediaDirectory->getAbsolutePath($this->_appendScopeInfo(self::UPLOAD_DIR));
* Makes a decision about whether to add info about the scope.
* @return boolean
protected function _addWhetherScopeInfo()
return true;
* Getter for allowed extensions of uploaded files.
* @return string[]
protected function _getAllowedExtensions()
return ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'svg'];
* @return string|null
protected function getTmpFileName()
$tmpName = null;
if (isset($_FILES['groups'])) {
$tmpName = $_FILES['groups']['tmp_name'][$this->getGroupId()]['fields'][$this->getField()]['value'];
} else {
$tmpName = is_array($this->getValue()) ? $this->getValue()['tmp_name'] : null;
return $tmpName;
* Save uploaded file before saving config value
* Save changes and delete file if "delete" option passed
* @return $this
public function beforeSave()
$value = $this->getValue();
$deleteFlag = is_array($value) && !empty($value['delete']);
$fileTmpName = $this->getTmpFileName();
if ($this->getOldValue() && ($fileTmpName || $deleteFlag)) {
$this->_mediaDirectory->delete(self::UPLOAD_DIR . '/' . $this->getOldValue());
return parent::beforeSave();
I created also the folder pub/media/don/post/default
i did not succeed in finding a solution of this issue
Thanks in advance