I'm doing a command line backup of the file system with bin/magento setup:backup --code,

but I have one directory which contains a lot of large image files that I would like to exclude.

Is there a way to configure my file system backups to exclude a directory?

1 Answer 1


Magento module named module-backup having such feature. You can add the directory which you would like to ignore in the following file.

  1. <magento-root>\vendor\magento\module-backup\Helper\Data.php

  2. Look for the method named getBackupIgnorePaths in Data.php

  3. After the below line:


add below line of code and replace directory of your choice. I have assumed <magento-root>\pub\large_image directory.


Take directory constants (DirectoryList::PUB or DirectoryList::VAR_DIR) from the <magento-root>\vendor\magento\framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList.php

As this is public function so you can make override by adding plugin into this. Do not make direct any changes in the vendor directory.

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