I have upgraded my Magento from 2.2.7 to 2.3.3. But now, my Magento has so many issues. Is there any way to downgrade Magento 2.3.3 to 2.3.1 or 2.3.2?

  • previously how you updated ?
    – Pawan
    Commented Nov 2, 2019 at 3:52
  • If I use the old version, I will be lost the new orders. Do you have any idea? Commented Nov 2, 2019 at 5:01
  • I would be interested to know some of the issues you are encountering. I'm having problems with emails but could be others I'm not aware of. Commented Nov 2, 2019 at 9:44
  • i guess you have outdated theme and extensions. the main problem in magento community - no one really understand how upgrade works.
    – MagenX
    Commented Nov 2, 2019 at 13:30
  • @MagenX you could argue that the issue is that minor releases outdate themes and extensions. Commented Nov 2, 2019 at 22:21

3 Answers 3


Yes you can revert it back to Magento 2.3.1 or 2.3.2, Basically you need to just run following commands on command line.

For Version Magento 2.3.1

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.3.1 --no-update
composer update

For Version Magento 2.3.2

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.3.2 --no-update
composer update

For Version Magento 2.3.3

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.3.3 --no-update
composer update

For Version Magento 2.4.3

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.4.3 --no-update
composer update

Then run all the following commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

php bin/magento cache:clean

Or, if you want one line command from anywhere in your container/linux:

/bitnami/magento/bin/magento setup:upgrade ; /bitnami/magento/bin/magento setup:di:compile ; /bitnami/magento/bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f ; /bitnami/magento/bin/magento cache:clean

IF anything goes wrong, RESRART the docker container.

  • this is very bad idea...
    – MagenX
    Commented Nov 2, 2019 at 13:28
  • I think it's worth explaining what the --no-update flag does Commented Nov 2, 2019 at 22:23
  • Thank bro. Do you ever do it? Commented Nov 3, 2019 at 14:59
  • Yes, I did this. Commented Nov 4, 2019 at 5:08
  • Great help. Thank you! Commented Nov 4, 2019 at 7:08

downgrade = lots of security issues, database trashing, possible code mess, even more different problems.

if you have only production server - correct way is to create a backup before upgrade, then just jump back.

but if you dont have any backups, then fix all the issues - it will be much cleaner and easier to maintain later.

mashing code back and forth is a bad way.

  • Thank Bro. I have an issue is our store can't auto resize images, it only work on the main store. Do you have any idea? Commented Nov 4, 2019 at 7:11
  • This is good standard practice. whenever we need to upgrade to newer version before doing this we should make all the backups.
    – Jdprasad V
    Commented Mar 10, 2020 at 11:34

So in my case downgrading from Magento 2.4 to 2.3 would be

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.3.3 --no-update
composer update

Then run all the commands upgrade/static content deploy / di compilation and clear cache

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