I used sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade command but get

  There are no commands defined in the "deploy:mode" namespace.  

after that tried list command but get We're sorry, an error occurred. Try clearing the cache and code generation directories. By default, they are: var/cache, var/di, var/generation, and var/page_cache.

  Connection to Redis failed after 2 failures.Last Error : (111) Connection refused  

Used rm -rf var/cache var/di var/generation var/page_cache but still have error. no command works.

1 Answer 1


Remove redis references from app/etc/env.php

They look like this

 'cache' => [
    'frontend' => [
        'default' => [
            'backend' => 'Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis',
            'backend_options' => [
                'server' => '',
                'database' => '0',
                'port' => '6379'
        'page_cache' => [
            'backend' => 'Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis',
            'backend_options' => [
                'server' => '',
                'port' => '6379',
                'database' => '1',
                'compress_data' => '0'

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