How to auto Generate Critical Path CSS using Penthouse or Critical for Magento 2.





1 Answer 1


You can use magento-2-gulp implementation to compile critical CSS.

If you use default Magento grunt, you can install grunt-penthouse and add new task.

  penthouse: {
    extract : {
        outfile : '.tmp/out.css',
        css : './dist/css/full.css',
        url : 'http://localhost:9000',
        width : 1300,
        height : 900,
        skipErrors : false // this is the default

The same for the gulp-penthouse if you have your own gulp configuration.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var criticalCss = require('gulp-penthouse');

gulp.task('critical-css', function () {
    return gulp.src('./styles.css')
            out: 'critical.css',
            url: 'http://localhost:9000',
            width: 1300,
            height: 900,
            strict: true,
            userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)'

Example for gulp:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var criticalCss = require('gulp-penthouse');

gulp.task('critical-css', function () {
    return gulp
        ], {
            base: 'pub/static/frontend/<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/en_US/css/'
            out: 'critical.css',
            url: 'http://<yoursite>.loc',
            width: 1300,
            height: 900,
            strict: true,
            userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)'
  • should we use the above snippet inside the module.exports = function (grunt) {}) of Gruntfile.js in Magento root and simply run grunt exec? or are there any steps to follow?
    – Dev
    Commented Jul 6, 2022 at 12:38
  • @Volodymyr Lisniak if you give some more insight about this file location will be great help for me.
    – Yogesh
    Commented Jul 25 at 10:56
  • @volodymyr-lisniak
    – Yogesh
    Commented Jul 25 at 11:38

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