Our client would like to have names of all people who ordered a product included into the Out of Stock notification email. I seem to have issue with getting such info ...

Code I have to get the orders by product sku is (in helper): ($orderFactory is \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\CollectionFactory)

public function getOrdersWithProductSku($productSku)
        try {
            if ($productSku)
                $orderCollection = $this->orderFactory->create();
                $tableName   = $this->orderFactory->getTableName('sales_order_item');
                    'main_table.entity_id = ' . $tableName. '.order_id'
                )->where('sku LIKE '.$productSku);


            return $orderCollection;
        catch (\Exception $e)
            return [];

Then parsing that collection in the Observer as:

                            $orderCollection = $this->helperData->getOrdersWithProductSku($productSku);
                            if ($orderCollection && !empty($orderCollection))
                                foreach ($orderCollection as $order) {
                                    array_push($names, $order->getBillingAddress()->getName());
                                array_push($names, "Customer names list is either null or empty");
                        catch(\Exception $e)
                            array_push($names, "Error generating customer names: ". $e->getMessage());

Is there an easy way to do this .... simply get an array of names who ordered the product based on SKU


1 Answer 1


I found a way by simply querying the database directly for such info

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