I'm working with info_buyRequest data stored in Quotes. There are cases where super attributes as well as options are present in the buyRequest. These appear purely as DB id's, and I am trying to figure out the best way to access the associated metadata such as the text codes, store labels, etc.

Here is an example:

 id                          =[354]
 product                     =[2131]
 selected configurable option=[1869]
 related product             =[]
 item                        =[354]
 super attributes:
   super attribute:          =[174]=>[159]
   super attribute:          =[172]=>[137]
   super attribute:          =[173]=>[157]
   option:                   =[38]=>[some entered value for custom option 38]
   option:                   =[36]=>[some entered value for custom option 36]
   option:                   =[37]=>[some entered value for custom option 37]

I need to look up the attributes with IDs 174,172,173 and find the associated strings for the values 159,137,157.

Similarly, I need to look up the custom options with IDs 38,36,37 and find their names.

I am not sure what the best interfaces are to do this.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.


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