I have work on the task in which I need to handle quote item, here I have use two event



here it work fine, But when I have change Quantity directly in mini cart then my Logic was not work. For this I am find some event which work for me. If You have any solution this Pleas Provide Me

my code is

<event name="checkout_cart_add_product_complete">
    <observer name="customprice" instance="Ns\Module\Observer\CustomPrice" />
<event name="checkout_cart_update_item_complete">
    <observer name="custompriceupdate" instance="Ns\Module\Observer\CustomPrice" />
<event name="sales_quote_item_qty_set_after">
    <observer name="custompriceupdateqty" instance="Ns\Module\Observer\CustomPrice" />

and observer is

public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer)
    $cart = $this->cart;
    $quote = $cart->getQuote();
    $items = $cart->getQuote()->getAllItems();
    $basetotal = 0;
    foreach ($items as $itemforprice) {
        $total = $this->processItem($itemforprice);
        $basetotal += $total;


private function processItem($itemforprice)
    $myprice = 100;
    $total = $myprice * $qty;




    return $total;

1 Answer 1


Use sales_quote_item_qty_set_after which will fire when Qty is update.

 $this->_eventManager->dispatch('sales_quote_item_qty_set_after', ['item' => $this]);

I guess that you want to update cart item price.

sales_quote_item_qty_set_after event provide quote item as it parameter.So you don't need to inject cart object $this->cart here. Also, don't need to save the quote and calculate the subtotal, as Magento automatically do that during firing on this event.


namespace Ns\Module\Observer;

class CustomPriceSet  implements \Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface

    public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer)

    $item = $observer->getEvent()->getItem();
    $quote = $item->getQuote();  
        $myprice = 100;

  • after add this event it will provide me error "We can't add this item to your shopping cart right now." Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 9:41
  • You did the wrong.I guess that you want to set a custom price for quote item ?
    – Amit Bera
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 13:17

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