I've added products in the backend even a test one. But they will not show up no matter what we do.
We have already tried php bin/magento indexer:reindex
in the SSH
We have cleared the cache, It worked on the local build but once we pushed it up it just refused to work. All the products have been manually added.
Im pulling my hair out at the moment.
They are visible in backend, But not in frontend, I cant see them in the products menu.
Does anyone have any ideas what on earth is going on?
I've editing the following files: app\code\Modules\Catalog\etc\di.xml app\code\Modules\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\Action\Full.php
As referenced in this stackoverflow link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33927658/products-is-not-showing-up-on-magento2-subcategory#answer-44364827
We have also tried invalidating and then reindexing.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
We decided to see if we could view the product its self by going to its direct url and we got an inventory_stoc_1