I would like to add store code to a custom URL in Magento 2.3.0
Actually, I want to pass store code to a custom URL in my custom module based on relevant store order.
Let's take an example:
public function getCustomUrl($orderData) {
return $this->urlInterface->getUrl($this->emailHelper->dynamicUrl()).'oId/'.$orderData->getIncrementId().'/fId/'.$this->getFollowUpId();
}else {
return $this->urlInterface->getUrl('route/controller/index/'.'oId/'.$orderData->getIncrementId().'/fId/'.$this->getFollowUpId());
In the above code
- $orderData = order object i can get storeId in this object
- $this->emailHelper->dynamicUrl() = get custom string from system config
- $orderData->getIncrementId() = pass orderId to url params
- $this->getFollowUpId() = module custom table ID pass to url params.
Above code, the result is http://example.com/default/seo/oId/000000112/fId/179
where /default/
is store code. I would like to pass /store2Code/ instead of
/store2Code/` is order placed on store 2.
So in short pass store code based on the placed order store.
Note : I have enabled pass store code to URL from system config. so the reason for this store code is showing in URL.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
will make it work?