For payment methods using vault, the id generated for term's checkbox is duplicated as the payment method name is same.
* build a unique id for the term checkbox
* @param {Object} context - the ko context
* @param {Number} agreementId
getCheckboxId: function (context, agreementId) {
var paymentMethodName = '',
paymentMethodRenderer = context.$parents[1];
// corresponding payment method fetched from parent context
if (paymentMethodRenderer) {
// item looks like this: {title: "Check / Money order", method: "checkmo"}
paymentMethodName = paymentMethodRenderer.item ?
paymentMethodRenderer.item.method : '';
return 'agreement_' + paymentMethodName + '_' + agreementId;
I see this code in checkout-agreements.js. However, in my case, cybersource vault method results in same paymentMethodName, leading it to duplication if there is more than one stored payment/ saved card.
I need help in coding the id attribute of term's checkbox dynamically here:
<input type="checkbox" class="required-entry"
data-bind="attr: {
'id': $parent.getCheckboxId($parentContext, agreementId),
'name': 'agreement[' + agreementId + ']',
'value': agreementId
and its respective 'for' attribute of label.