The right way to do this is adding a js mixing from a custom module.
You can install the following module from github, or follow these steps:
Step 1
Create the following path in your Magento root directory: app/code/AraujoPhillips/FreeShippingLabel
Note: Set the Vendor and Module name as you wish, but you will have to change them in the next steps too.
Step 2
Create a registration.php
file into app/code/AraujoPhillips/FreeShippingLabel
with the following content:
Step 3
Create a module.xml
file into app/code/AraujoPhillips/FreeShippingLabel/etc
with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<module name="AraujoPhillips_FreeShippingLabel" setup_version="0.1">
<module name="Magento_Tax"/>
Step 4
Create a requirejs-config.js
file into app/code/AraujoPhillips/FreeShippingLabel/view/frontend/
with the following content:
var config = {
'map': {
'*': {
'config': {
'mixins': {
'Magento_Tax/js/view/checkout/shipping_method/price': {
'AraujoPhillips_FreeShippingLabel/js/view/checkout/shipping_method/price-mixin': true
Step 5
Create a price-mixin.js
file into app/code/AraujoPhillips/FreeShippingLabel/view/frontend/web/js/view/checkout/shipping_method/
with the following content:
], function (Component, quote, priceUtils) {
'use strict';
return function (Component) {
return Component.extend({
* Return shipping method item price
* @param {*} price
* @return {*|String}
getFormattedPrice: function (price) {
if (price === 0)
return 'Free shipping';
return priceUtils.formatPrice(price, quote.getPriceFormat());
Note: If you want to change the "Free shipping" label with anything else, do it here just before the if (price === 0)
Step 6
Create a price.html
file into app/code/AraujoPhillips/FreeShippingLabel/view/frontend/web/template/checkout/shipping_method/
with the following content:
<!-- ko if: isDisplayShippingPriceExclTax -->
<span class="price"><span class="price" data-bind="text: getFormattedPrice(method.price_excl_tax), css: method.price_incl_tax == 0 ? 'free-shipping' : ''"></span></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: isDisplayShippingPriceExclTax -->
<!-- ko if: (isDisplayShippingBothPrices && (method.price_excl_tax != method.price_incl_tax))-->
<span class="price-including-tax" data-bind = "attr: {'data-label': $t('Incl. Tax')}">
<span class="price"><span class="price" data-bind="text: getFormattedPrice(method.price_incl_tax), css: method.price_incl_tax == 0 ? 'free-shipping' : ''"></span></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: (isDisplayShippingBothPrices && (method.price_excl_tax != method.price_incl_tax))-->
<span class="price"><span class="price" data-bind="text: getFormattedPrice(method.price_incl_tax), css: method.price_incl_tax == 0 ? 'free-shipping' : ''"></span></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: (isDisplayShippingBothPrices && (method.price_excl_tax != method.price_incl_tax))-->
<span class="price-excluding-tax" data-bind = "attr: {'data-label': $t('Excl. Tax')}">
<span class="price"><span class="price" data-bind="text: getFormattedPrice(method.price_excl_tax), css: method.price_incl_tax == 0 ? 'free-shipping' : ''"></span></span>
<!-- /ko -->
Note 1: The file format is .html
, NOT .phtml
Note 2: If you want to change the free-shipping
class with anything else, do it in every single line which have css: method.price_incl_tax == 0 ? 'free-shipping'
. You can also add an ID or any other HTML attribute.
Step 7
DO NOT forget enabling the module, flushing your caches, etc...
bin/magento module:enable AraujoPhillips_FreeShippingLabel
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush && bin/magento cache:clean