I have update my Magento version, Now the version is M2.3 and I installed the Authorize.net patch as well.

Now I am facing an issue is that - 1. Order is created in admin but on checkout, customer found the error message. https://prnt.sc/n96fg2

  1. I have got this email as well: https://prnt.sc/n96i3k

  2. Admin settings: https://prnt.sc/n96jcp

  3. Payment log:

[2019-04-08 16:19:33] main.DEBUG: array ( 'request' => array ( 'x_version' => '3.1', 'x_delim_data' => 'FALSE', 'x_relay_response' => 'TRUE', 'x_test_request' => 'FALSE', 'x_login' => '****', 'x_method' => 'CC', 'x_relay_url' => 'http://test.com/authorizenet/directpost_payment/response', 'x_type' => 'AUTH_CAPTURE', 'x_fp_sequence' => '243', 'x_invoice_num' => '000000118', 'x_amount' => 10.04, 'x_currency_code' => 'USD', 'x_tax' => '0.00', 'x_freight' => '10.00', 'x_first_name' => 'Test', 'x_last_name' => 'Last', 'x_company' => '', 'x_address' => '3680 Maple Lane', 'x_city' => 'Huntsville', 'x_state' => 'South Carolina', 'x_zip' => '35801', 'x_country' => 'US', 'x_phone' => '2565123672', 'x_fax' => '', 'x_cust_id' => '', 'x_customer_ip' => '', 'x_customer_tax_id' => '', 'x_email' => '[email protected]', 'x_email_customer' => '0', 'x_merchant_email' => '[email protected]', 'x_ship_to_first_name' => 'Test', 'x_ship_to_last_name' => 'Marchant', 'x_ship_to_company' => '', 'x_ship_to_address' => '3680 Maple Lane', 'x_ship_to_city' => 'Huntsville', 'x_ship_to_state' => 'South Carolina', 'x_ship_to_zip' => '35801', 'x_ship_to_country' => 'US', 'x_po_num' => '', 'x_fp_timestamp' => 1554740373, 'x_fp_hash' => '381E8B94801B2015C5F1CF6E7F54F12D92DF0CCE7CA68836503C325E73035F904D89EE19C4BD89372AD9D7FBFBB9C38223065DC6DC45BAD1E2FCDE6652F6523F', ), ) [] []

what's the issue.

1 Answer 1


Please check your gateway URL and transaction URL. It seems to be that your using test URL. Please change it to

Gateway URL : https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll

Transaction URL: https://api2.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api

Do change this and try an test transaction.

  • Mohan, I am using my sandbox credentials that's why the URL is changed
    – Yogita
    Commented Apr 9, 2019 at 5:31
  • If you are using sandbox account you can use the response message to see if the transaction is success or failure since time out error will occut, so once you are configuring your live credentials everything will work fine then Commented Apr 9, 2019 at 5:33
  • Currenlty, Orders are shown in admin but on checkout it is showing error message
    – Yogita
    Commented Apr 9, 2019 at 5:37
  • Sandbox account do show time out errors in frontend, so we can identify if test transaction is success or failure only through response messages. Commented Apr 9, 2019 at 5:38

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