I am trying to get billing address line 1 and line 2 with city and state in order collection.
Here is my code:
$oid = 1;
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$order = $objectManager->create('Magento\Sales\Model\Order')->load($oid);
But it is not giving any value of billing address.
When I print $order variable it shows billing_address_id index with the integer value.
See below:
[0] => Array
[entity_id] => 1
[state] => processing
[status] => processing
[coupon_code] =>
[protect_code] =>
[shipping_description] => My carrier
[is_virtual] => 0
[store_id] => 1
[customer_id] =>
[base_discount_amount] => 0.0000
[base_discount_canceled] =>
[base_discount_invoiced] => 0.0000
[base_discount_refunded] =>
[base_grand_total] => 625.9800
[base_shipping_amount] => 7.9800
[base_shipping_canceled] =>
[base_shipping_invoiced] => 7.9800
[base_shipping_refunded] =>
[base_shipping_tax_amount] =>
[base_shipping_tax_refunded] =>
[base_subtotal] => 516.7200
[base_subtotal_canceled] =>
[base_subtotal_invoiced] =>
[base_subtotal_refunded] =>
[base_tax_amount] => 101.2776
[base_tax_canceled] =>
[base_tax_invoiced] => 101.2776
[base_tax_refunded] =>
[base_to_global_rate] => 1.0000
[base_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
[base_total_canceled] =>
[base_total_invoiced] => 625.9776
[base_total_invoiced_cost] => 625.9776
[base_total_offline_refunded] =>
[base_total_online_refunded] =>
[base_total_paid] => 625.9800
[base_total_qty_ordered] =>
[base_total_refunded] =>
[discount_amount] => 0.0000
[discount_canceled] =>
[discount_invoiced] => 0.0000
[discount_refunded] =>
[grand_total] => 625.9800
[shipping_amount] => 7.9800
[shipping_canceled] =>
[shipping_invoiced] => 7.9800
[shipping_refunded] =>
[shipping_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[shipping_tax_refunded] =>
[store_to_base_rate] => 1.0000
[store_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
[subtotal] => 516.7200
[subtotal_canceled] =>
[subtotal_invoiced] =>
[subtotal_refunded] =>
[tax_amount] => 101.2776
[tax_canceled] =>
[tax_invoiced] => 101.2776
[tax_refunded] =>
[total_canceled] =>
[total_invoiced] => 625.9776
[total_offline_refunded] =>
[total_online_refunded] =>
[total_paid] => 625.9800
[total_qty_ordered] => 2.0000
[total_refunded] =>
[can_ship_partially] =>
[can_ship_partially_item] =>
[customer_is_guest] => 0
[customer_note_notify] =>
[billing_address_id] => 101
[customer_group_id] => 0
[edit_increment] =>
[email_sent] =>
[send_email] =>
[forced_shipment_with_invoice] =>
[payment_auth_expiration] =>
[quote_address_id] =>
[quote_id] =>
[shipping_address_id] => 102
[adjustment_negative] =>
[adjustment_positive] =>
[base_adjustment_negative] =>
[base_adjustment_positive] =>
[base_shipping_discount_amount] => 0.0000
[base_subtotal_incl_tax] => 617.9976
[base_total_due] => 625.9800
[payment_authorization_amount] =>
[shipping_discount_amount] => 0.0000
[subtotal_incl_tax] => 617.9976
[total_due] => 625.9800
[weight] => 0.0000
[customer_dob] =>
[increment_id] => 100000115
[applied_rule_ids] =>
[base_currency_code] => USD
[customer_email] => [email protected]
[customer_firstname] => John
[customer_lastname] => DOE
[customer_middlename] =>
[customer_prefix] =>
[customer_suffix] =>
[customer_taxvat] =>
[discount_description] =>
[ext_customer_id] =>
[ext_order_id] =>
[global_currency_code] => USD
[hold_before_state] =>
[hold_before_status] =>
[order_currency_code] => USD
[original_increment_id] =>
[relation_child_id] =>
[relation_child_real_id] =>
[relation_parent_id] =>
[relation_parent_real_id] =>
[remote_ip] =>
[shipping_method] => flatrate_flatrate
[store_currency_code] => USD
[store_name] =>
[x_forwarded_for] =>
[customer_note] =>
[created_at] => 2012-08-31 01:48:27
[updated_at] => 2016-11-11 18:08:44
[total_item_count] => 2
[customer_gender] =>
[discount_tax_compensation_amount] =>
[base_discount_tax_compensation_amount] =>
[shipping_discount_tax_compensation_amount] =>
[base_shipping_discount_tax_compensation_amnt] =>
[discount_tax_compensation_invoiced] =>
[base_discount_tax_compensation_invoiced] =>
[discount_tax_compensation_refunded] =>
[base_discount_tax_compensation_refunded] =>
[shipping_incl_tax] => 7.9800
[base_shipping_incl_tax] => 7.9800
[coupon_rule_name] =>
[gift_message_id] =>
[paypal_ipn_customer_notified] => 0
How can I retrieve billing address line 1, line 2, city and state in order collection in Magento 2?