I need to create State and Country attribute for customer registration and Admin.

How can I Achieving State and Country field functionality in Admin under customer Account Information

1 Answer 1


State and country should already be listed under Customers -> {Any Customer} -> Addresses in the Admin panel.

On the registration form however, I have noticed Magento has no setting to enable address form on the customer registration page. In vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/templates/form/register.phtml on line 45, you can see there is an if statement wrapped around your address form.

<?php if ($block->getShowAddressFields()): ?>
    <fieldset class="fieldset address">
        <legend class="legend"><span><?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Address Information')) ?></span></legend><br>
        <input type="hidden" name="create_address" value="1" />
        <input type="hidden" name="default_billing" value="1">
        <input type="hidden" name="default_shipping" value="1">

<?php endif; ?>

Copy this template to your own theme and you can either remove the if statement or set the condition to true.

  • I need them on admin >> customer >>Additional information I have created custom country and state field in front end registration referring to the link magecomp.com/blog/… , I need the functionality on admin, Right now I can see the custom fields but cant implement the functionality when country is selected it list only the state and if no option is there text field shows.
    – fernandus
    Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 15:00

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