I created a payment method and added 2 fields vendor name and vendor voucher and save field in the database using observer.
It's working fine. Now, I want this to show additional information in the order view payment information section.
Any help please on how to do it.
do you want to show in admin or frontend?– Amit NaraniwalCommented Feb 19, 2019 at 11:38
currently in admin its save from fornt end in addtional_informaton– 3434Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 11:39
a:3:{s:14:"voucher_number";s:5:"23423";s:11:"vendor_name";s:6:"werwrw";s:12:"method_title";s:16:"Training Vssoucher";} like that– 3434Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 11:39
1 Answer
I guess you are talking about payment additional information.
Assuming you have the actual order object in the variable $order
you can get the complete array of additional information with the following code:
$additionalInformation = $order->getPayment()->getAdditionalInformation();
If you are in quote context, there is a similar way. Again I assume that your actual quote is in the variable $quote
$additionalInformation = $quote->getPayment()->getAdditionalInformation();
Update: In case the returned data is not an array, it might be necessary to unserialize it like follows:
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$serializer = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Serialize');
$additionalInformationArray = $serializer->unserialize($additionalInformation);
//after this you can access it by key like this:
echo $additionalInformationArray['voucher_number'];
echo $additionalInformationArray['vendor_name'];
I hope that helps.
{s:14:"voucher_number";s:5:"23423";s:11:"vendor_name";s:6:"werwrw";s:12:"method_title";s:16:"Training Vssoucher";} i am getting like that after your code now i want voucher_number and vendor name form here;)– 3434Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 12:46
I hope the complete output you get is
a:3:{s:14:"voucher_number";s:5:"23423";s:11:"vendor_name";s:6:"werwrw";s:12:"method_title";s:18:"Training Vssoucher";}
that would be a correct serialized array. I update my answer– HelgeBCommented Feb 19, 2019 at 13:10