I'm trying to override the Catalog/Product/View/Options/Type/Select.php class so I can change the initial placeholder text from: -- Please Select -- to Choose Size. My custom module is recognized within the admin (and is enabled) and all files seem to have the right code but I'm not seeing the text replaced.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Any advice would be very helpful!
Here is my app/etc/Override_Catalog.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Catalog />
Then the app/code/local/Override/Catalog/etc/config.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
And lastly the class file:
class Override_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Options_Type_Select
extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Options_Type_Select {
# I only override the placeholder text, everything else remains intact.