By default, I have footer version as footer_1. On looking upon the code footer.phtml , there are multiple footer version footer_2, footer_3, footer_4 How can I enable each footer from my Admin panel and from which table also.

<?php // Get footer version ?>
<?php $themeHelper = $this->helper('MGS\Mpanel\Helper\Data') ?>
<?php $footer = $themeHelper->getStoreConfig('mgstheme/footer/footer');?>

and condition for footer version check goes on

 <?php if($footer == 'footer_1'): ?> // footer version check

I don't understand, from where did the $themeHelper is getting the footer versions, and how can I change with other footer versions like footer_2, footer_3 etc. If it has both approaches from admin panel and from database table too(so that I can use MySQL query to update) kindly enlighten me. I am new to Magento

enter image description here

  • It looks like a ready-made theme. Better you refer their docs for this and don't change directly in the third party themes which makes upgrade difficult.
    – Duke
    Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 6:53

1 Answer 1


As per your code you are using a ready made theme, which has many footer styles.

if you look at:

<?php $themeHelper = $this->helper('MGS\Mpanel\Helper\Data') ?> 

above code will instantiate helper in your phtml. Once we get helper, we can access its function like:

<?php $footer = $themeHelper->getStoreConfig('mgstheme/footer/footer');?>

If you look into Data.php in helper folder of module, there will be a function getStoreConfig.

This function getting store configuration value based on parameter passed.

If you go to System->Configuration, there will be some theme related settings.

In your function mgstheme/footer/footer

mgstheme - Section name
footer - Group Name
footer - field name

So there is a dropdown in admin, where you can choose different footer.

Footer1 - footer_1
Footer2 - footer_2
Footer3 - footer_3


based on value of $footer, it is rendering footer design in your phtml.

Hope above will help!

  • first, Configuration is inStores->Configuration not System->Configuration see my updated question , there is nothing in footer dropdown
    – summu
    Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 6:23
  • Strange, you only notice System->Configuration in whole answer! Great!
    – Pawan
    Commented Jan 21, 2019 at 16:26

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