My settings: Server OS Debian 9.6 Plesk 17.8.11 Magento PHP 7.2
When I run schedule task I get this:
Task "/httpdocs/" successfully completed in 0 seconds, output: /httpdocs/ 1: /httpdocs/ which: not found /httpdocs/ 1: /httpdocs/ sed: not found /httpdocs/ 1: /httpdocs/ expr: not found /httpdocs/ 50: /httpdocs/ ps: not found /httpdocs/ 51: /httpdocs/ cron.php: not found
Cron doesn't work. Where is the problem? Could you help, please
I think that the problem is with Plesk...
I setup crontab using SSH
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * sh /path/to/y