I'm having trouble setting the product categories using System > Import\Export > Import via a CSV file (see link 1 below). Regardless of the combination of field IDs used with the category_ids field in the file, I'm unable to set any categories when the product is imported - what I'd like to do is what you see in link 2 below. The hierarchy is field_id 2, 4, and 11.

What am I doing wrong?

Master product layout

Desired category hierarchy

1 Answer 1


Add product from frontend and assign categories. After creating product go to


. Export csv file. check all the fields. fill the data in same format. Also one more thing when you are using category names then use same name as in admin(case-senstive) Or use same structure for id and then import file. Refresh you indexing and cache. the product will be saved.

  • Turns out there was nothing wrong with my CSV file (with the exception of calling store "base" instead of "admin"), but the issue was using the System > Import/Export > Import functionality instead of the Dataflows - Profiles option. Once I used this, the categories were set!
    – Mhaddy
    Commented Jul 3, 2014 at 2:10

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