Try this..
In you block-form
$fieldset->addField('file', 'file', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('foundation')->__('CSV'),
'class' => 'disable',
'required' => true,
'name' => 'file',
And in your controller
public function saveAction()
if ($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) {
if (isset($_FILES['file']['name']) && $_FILES['file']['name'] != '') {
$path = Mage::getBaseDir().DS.'csv'.DS; //desitnation directory
$fname = $_FILES['file']['name']; //file name
$fullname = $path.$fname;
$uploader = new Varien_File_Uploader('file'); //load class
$uploader->setAllowedExtensions(array('CSV','csv')); //Allowed extension for file
$uploader->setAllowCreateFolders(true); //for creating the directory if not exists
$uploader->save($path, $fname); //save the
catch (Exception $e)
$fileType = "Invalid file format";
if ($fileType == "Invalid file format") {
Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addError(Mage::helper('foundation')->__($fname." Invalid file format"));
I have done my changes as per the my requirement, you can try yours,
Hope this will help you