Setting up a Magento store is not only a matter of developing self-installable extensions but requires also a lot of "manual entry" operations such as creating end editing attributes, categories, products, price rules CMS pages and so on, not to mention all the changes to the System Configuration.
I'd like your help to outline the best strategy when it comes to deploy a Magento store from development to staging and production environment.
One strategy of mine is that of writing a "deploy module" which programmatically creates the entities mentioned above but it's a very time consuming task and sometimes it seems to me to be a little overkill.
Recently I started using Selenium IDE to reproduce Admin tasks but the time required to set up all the test suites is not far from the one mentioned above.
Maybe an optimal solution could be the usage of a module capable of doing a snapshot of a Magento System letting you choose what to deploy.
- what is your strategy for deploy?
- is there a module capable of doing a snapshot of a Magento System letting you choose what to deploy?
- if such a module doesn't exist and provided such a module is a reasonable solution, is there anyone interested in giving his/her contribute to develop it?
Thank you!