I have magento I use amasty customer attributes and one step checkout. In out theme's folder I have added layout files for these attributes and a new customer attributes phtml file with this code:
* @author Amasty Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Amasty (http://www.amasty.com)
* @package Amasty_Customerattr
/* @var $this Amasty_Customerattr_Block_Customer_Fields */
$relations = $this->getElementsRelation();
* Get form elements to be rendered
$formElements = $this->getFormElements();
$jsCode = Mage::getModel('amcustomerattr/validation')->getJS();
<?php if ($this->isShowHeader()): ?>
<div class="fieldset">
<h2 class=""><?php echo $this->__('Additional Information') ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<div style="float: left;">
<ul class="form-list">
<?php foreach ($formElements as $element): ?>
<li class="fields">
<div class="field">
<?php echo $element->toHtml(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- CUSTOM IMAGE AT THE RIGHT: <div style="float: right;"><img src="PATH HERE" /></div>-->
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<?php if ($this->isShowHeader()): ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (!Mage::registry('amcustomerattr_client_side')):?>
#amcustomerattr .required {
color: #EB340A;
.amcustomerattr .required {
color: #EB340A;
#amcustomerattr .hidden {
display: none;
.amcustomerattr .hidden {
display: none;
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php echo $jsCode; ?>
['validate-tendigits', 'Please use 10 digit numbers only in this field. Please avoid spaces or other characters such as dots or commas.', function(v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || /^(\d){10}$/.test(v);
['validate-aaa-0000', 'Please use the value in the following format: AAA-0000', function(v) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(v) || /^([A-Za-z]){3}-(\d){4}$/.test(v);
['validate-checkboxgroup-required', 'Please select an option.', function(v, elm) {
id = elm.id.substr(0, elm.id.search('___'));
checkboxGroupChecked = false;
$$('input[id^=' + id + ']').each(function(checkbox){
if (checkbox.checked)
checkboxGroupChecked = true;
return checkboxGroupChecked;
['validate-radiogroup-required', 'Please select an option.', function(v, elm) {
id = elm.id.substr(0, elm.id.search('___'));
radioGroupChecked = false;
$$('input[id^=' + id + ']').each(function(radio) {
if (radio.checked) {
radioGroupChecked = true;
return radioGroupChecked
/* Relations table */
var amcustomerattr_relations = '<?php echo Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($relations->toArray());?>'.evalJSON();
var indexed_elements = [];
* Hide element and its label
function amcustomerattr_hide_element(id)
if ($(id)) {
if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") == -1) {
if ($(id).readAttribute('class') == 'field-row') {
} else {
classAttr = 'label[for='+id+']';
$$(classAttr).each(function(el) {
* Show element and its label
function amcustomerattr_show_element(id)
if ($(id)) {
if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") == -1) {
if ($(id).readAttribute('class') == 'field-row') {
} else {
} else {
classAttr = 'label[for='+id+']';
$$(classAttr).each(function(el) {
var options = amcustomerattr_find_elements(id);
if (options) {
if ($(id).readAttribute('class') == ' select') {
element = $(id);
} else {
options.each(function(item) {
element = $(id+'___'+item.value);
* Hide childs elements and them labels
function hide_all_childs(id)
// Find dependents elements
var dep = amcustomerattr_find_elements(id);
// Iterate throw elements and show required elements
dep.each(function(el) {
* Manage dependencies.
* Hide or show dependent attribute
function amcustomerattr_manage_dep(element)
if (element) {
var elementId = element.id;
if (element.id.indexOf('___') > 0) {
elementId = element.id.substr(0, element.id.search('___'));
if (element.readAttribute('rel')) {
elementId = element.readAttribute('rel');
// Find dependents elements
var dep = amcustomerattr_find_elements(elementId);
if (element.type == 'radio') {
// Iterate throw elements and show required elements
dep.each(function(el) {
if ($(el.code)) {
// Checkboxes and radio
if (element.checked == false) {
if (must_hide(elementId, dep)) {
} else if (element.checked) {
if (element.getValue().indexOf(el.value) >= 0) {
} else if (indexed_elements.indexOf(el.code) < 0) {
if (must_hide(elementId, dep)) {
} else {
// Multiselect and select
if (element.getValue().indexOf(el.value) >= 0) {
} else if (indexed_elements.indexOf(el.code) < 0) {
indexed_elements = [];
function must_hide(elementId, dep)
var hide = true;
dep.each(function(el) {
element = $(elementId+'___'+el.value);
if (element.checked == true) {
hide = false;
return hide;
* Listen elements
function amcustomerattr_listen_element(id) {
if ($(id)) {
$(id).observe('change', function(event) {
var element = Event.element(event);
* Get dependents element for elementId
function amcustomerattr_find_elements(elementId)
var elements = [];
amcustomerattr_relations.items.each(function(item) {
if (item.parent_code == elementId) {
var el = {
'code' : item.dependent_code,
'value' : item.option_id
return elements;
var shownElements = [];
* Hide dependent elements
* Listen for changes
foreach($relations as $relation) { ?>
var parent = $('<?php echo $relation->getParentCode() ?>');
if (parent) {
if (parent.value == '<?php echo $relation->getOptionId()?>') {
amcustomerattr_show_element('<?php echo $relation->getDependentCode() ?>');
shownElements.push('<?php echo $relation->getDependentCode() ?>');
var parent = $('<?php echo $relation->getParentCode() ?>___<?php echo $relation->getOptionId()?>');
if (parent) {
if (parent.value == '<?php echo $relation->getOptionId()?>' && parent.readAttribute('checked') == 'checked') {
amcustomerattr_show_element('<?php echo $relation->getDependentCode() ?>');
shownElements.push('<?php echo $relation->getDependentCode() ?>');
if (shownElements.indexOf('<?php echo $relation->getDependentCode() ?>') < 0) {
amcustomerattr_hide_element('<?php echo $relation->getDependentCode() ?>');
amcustomerattr_listen_element('<?php echo $relation->getParentCode() ?>___<?php echo $relation->getOptionId()?>');
amcustomerattr_listen_element('<?php echo $relation->getParentCode() ?>');
<!--[if IE 7]>
<script type="text/javascript">
$$('.amcustomerattr').each(function(el) {
Mage::register('amcustomerattr_client_side', 'displayed');
endif; // End Script output?>
This give a in checkout page but it is always hidden as I inspect the page:
<fieldset id="amcustomerattr26" class="amcustomerattr" style="
display: none;">
What am I doing wrong? I am stucked