I'm getting a error on creating the order inside the Admin panel like below
Order saving error: Your API key is not valid.
I don't known why it is happening.??
Please anyone help me. Thanks in Advance
I'm getting a error on creating the order inside the Admin panel like below
Order saving error: Your API key is not valid.
I don't known why it is happening.??
Please anyone help me. Thanks in Advance
The only places I can find that throw exception with that text Order saving error: %1 are:
In: vendor/magento/module-authorizenet/Controller/Adminhtml/Authorizenet/Directpost/Payment/Place.php
On line 128:
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->messageManager->addExceptionMessage($e, __('Order saving error: %1', $e->getMessage()));
$isError = true;
In: vendor/magento/module-sales/Controller/Adminhtml/Order/Create/Save.php
On line 74:
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->messageManager->addException($e, __('Order saving error: %1', $e->getMessage()));
If you aren't using Authorizenet as the payment method, then we can probably assume it's not coming from that.
I don't see any occurrences of Your API key is not valid at all in the codebase so it must be a response from a remote service. Closest match I'm seeing is in the Magento_Signifyd module. Maybe check to see if that service is enabled. It's settings can be found under Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Fraud Protection
Your can follow below step to fix that issue.
Step 1) You can check your third party module as you are using in your store.
Step 2) After your confirmation of module. you can check in magento admin any of the module have used api key.
Step 3) Try to implement that API key as correct to fix issue.
Hope this step you have helpful.