Sometimes Configurable options are not loaded on product detail page and I get this error on the console
In firefox I get this error on console:
TypeError: settings.fotoramaApi is undefined
In chrome i get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setOptions' of undefined on gallery.js:462
updateOptions: function (configuration, isInternal) {
var $selectable = $('a[href], area[href], input, select, ' +
'textarea, button, iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]')
.not('[tabindex=-1], [disabled], :hidden'),
$focus = $(':focus'),
if (_.isObject(configuration)) {
//Saves index of focus
$selectable.each(function (number) {
if ($(this).is($focus)) {
index = number;
if (this.isTouchEnabled) {
configuration.arrows = false;
} = false;
configuration.breakpoints = null;
if (!isInternal) {
!_.isEqual(settings.activeBreakpoint, {} && settings.brekpoints) ?
$.extend(true, settings.activeBreakpoint.options, configuration) :
settings.isFullscreen ?
$.extend(true, settings.fullscreenConfig, configuration) :
$.extend(true, settings.defaultConfig.options, configuration);
$.extend(true, settings.currentConfig.options, configuration);
if (_.isNumber(index)) {
I am using Magento 2.2.5, which occurs in both production and developer mode.
Configurable options are: size (dropdown) and color (swatches)
If I refresh the page or click add to cart error resolve and size, color appears.
How can I debug this issue?