Could someone please advise how to put into Maintenance Mode? Or is this version not supported?? I found some instructions, however I don't have the option for Maintenance Mode for Ver under System>Configuration>General


3 Answers 3


Magento goes to maintenance mode when you create a file named maintenance.flag to your Magento home directory. This is how Magento handles it:

$maintenanceFile = 'maintenance.flag';

if (file_exists($maintenanceFile)) {
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/errors/503.php';

You can create an empty file with name maintenance.flag and just upload to the magento root directory


I followed this tutorial http://magentoexplorer.com/how-to-show-and-customize-magento-maintenance-mode-page to enable maintenance mode page in Magento, you need to create and upload maintenance.flag file to Magento root folder, however there are some more step for a good Maintenance mode like.

Step 1: Add exception during maintenance (allow specific IP to visit your site during maintenance). In index.php, add these lines

$allowed = array('x.x.x.x','y.y.y.y');

Step 2: Edit maintenance mode page Edit maintenance mode page in /errors/default/503.phtml Remove wrap in /errors/default/page.phtml Hope this helps.

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