This is what i am following...
1. Add Configurable product in cart.
method : POST
Authorization : Bearer <customer token>
body data : json
"cartItem": {
"sku": "HKrh15hc", <product SKU>
"qty": 5,
"quote_id": "75", <Quote ID - Cart ID>
"product_option": {
"extension_attributes": {
"configurable_item_options": [
"option_id": "93",
"option_value": 49
"option_id": "141",
"option_value": 168
"extension_attributes": {}
Now, this is saving my configurable product in my cart.
2. Get & put Shipping Information.
method : POST
Authorization : Bearer <customer token>
body data : json
"addressInformation": {
"shippingAddress": {
"region": "MH",
"region_id": 0,
"country_id": "IN",
"street": [
"221,Baker-street (e)"
"company": "Lumos",
"telephone": "12345678",
"postcode": "400001",
"city": "Mumbai",
"firstname": "Aditya",
"lastname": "Shah",
"email": "[email protected]",
"prefix": "address_",
"region_code": "MH",
"sameAsBilling": 1
"billingAddress": {
"region": "MH",
"region_id": 0,
"country_id": "IN",
"street": [
"221,Baker-street (e)"
"company": "Lumos",
"telephone": "12345678",
"postcode": "4000001",
"city": "Mumbai",
"firstname": "Aditya",
"lastname": "Shah",
"email": "[email protected]",
"prefix": "address_",
"region_code": "MH"
"shipping_method_code": "flatrate",
"shipping_carrier_code": "flatrate"
- Now, this 2nd STEP - Do i need to add shipping and Billing address every-time ?
- Whenever i place a new order with the same customer ?
3. Get payment method.
method : POST
Authorization : Bearer <customer token>
4. Place an order.
method : POST
Authorization : Bearer <customer token>
body data : json
"paymentMethod": {
"method": "checkmo"
IN Step -2
1. Do i need to add address (Billing and Shipping) every-time to place an order ?
2. Is there any thing like pass the
or default address - so i don't need to add addresses every-time.