What is the use of ifconfig tag inside the block tag in a layout xml file? What purpose does it serve?
3 Answers
The use of ifconfig is for condition which is coming from system config values. The value of this will be 0 and 1(boolean). According to that value block will be rendered. e.g.
<block ifconfig="custom_quickview/general/enable" class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View" after="product.info.addtocart" name="goto.product" as="goto.product" template="Custom_Quickview::gotoproduct.phtml"/>
In this case if under system config custom_quickview/general/enable == 1 then only this block will be rendered else not.
The ifconfig
attribute allows you to specify a path to Magento's configuration (e.g. dev/log/active
) that will be evaluated as a boolean value (using Mage::getStoreConfigFlag()
). If this configuration option is set to true
the action method will be called, the block will be created or the content of the reference will be evaluated.
Basically it's a condition in that block to render it or not, this condition you will set it in Admin->Stores->Configuration->All that config boolean fields
and it comes in this format: