I have created custom API to update customer address using customer id or address id.

Below code I used to implement it.


<route url="/V1/address/createUpdate" method="POST">
    <service class="[Vendor]\[Module]\Api\CustomAddressInterface" method="addressUpdate"/>
        <resource ref="anonymous"/>


  namespace [Vendor]\[Module]\Api;

  interface CustomAddressInterface
 * Returns greeting message to user
 * @api
 * @param string $name Users name.
 * @return string Greeting message with users name.
public function name($name);

 * POST for attribute api
 * @param mixed $param
 * @return array

 public function addressUpdate($params);



namespace [Vendor]\[Module]\Model;
use [Vendor]\[Module]\Api\CustomAddressInterface;
use Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface;

class Address implements CustomAddressInterface
protected $_storeManager;
protected $addressFactory;
protected $addressRepository;
protected $customerRepository;
protected $_customer; 
public function __construct(
    \Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager,
    \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
    \Magento\Customer\Model\AddressFactory $addressFactory,
    \Magento\Customer\Api\AddressRepositoryInterface $addressRepository,
    \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
    \Magento\Customer\Model\Customer $customer
) {
    $this->_objectManager = $objectManager;
    $this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
    $this->_addressFactory = $addressFactory;
    $this->addressRepository = $addressRepository;
    $this->customerRepository = $customerRepository;
    $this->_customer = $customer;

 * Returns greeting message to user
 * @api
 * @param string $name Users name.
 * @return string Greeting message with users name.
public function name($name) {
    return "Hello, " . $name;

public function addressUpdate($params) {

   public function addressUpdate($params) {
    //return 'Response: ' . json_encode($params);   
    $resultArr = array();
    $paramArr = array();
    $result =  json_encode($params);
    $resultSet = json_decode($result,true);

    $EntType = $resultSet['Entity_Type'];
    $customerId = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['CustomerId'];
    $AddressId = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['AddressId'];

        $resultArr['result'] = "Failed";
        $resultArr['message'] = "customerId shouldn't be empty!!!";
        $paramArr['Magento_ID'] = "";
        $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
        $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
        echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
        $address1 = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Address'];         
        $address2 = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Address2'];
        $City = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['City'];
        $County = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['County'];
        $PostCode = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['PostCode'];
        $PhoneNo = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['PhoneNo'];
        $Contact = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Contact'];
        $MagentoDefault = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['MagentoDefault'];
        $Initials = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Initials'];
        $FirstName = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['FirstName'];
        $Surname = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Surname'];
            if(isset($AddressId) && $AddressId !=''){
                $address = $this->addressRepository->getById($AddressId);
                $resultArr['message'] = "customer Address saved Sucessfully!!!";
                $paramArr['Address_Id'] = $addressId;
                $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
                $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
                echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
                $customerObj = $this->_customer->load($customerId);
                $customerAddress = array();
                foreach($customerObj->getAddresses() as $address)
                    $customerAddress[] = $address->toArray();
                $addressId = $customerAddress[0]["entity_id"];
                if(isset($addressId) && $addressId != '' ){
                    $address = $this->addressRepository->getById($addressId);
                    $resultArr['message'] = "customer Address saved Sucessfully!!!";
                    $paramArr['Address_Id'] = $addressId;
                    $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
                    $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
                    echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
                    $address = $this->_addressFactory->create();//->setStreet(Street)                   


                        $resultArr['message'] = "customer Address saved Sucessfully!!!";
                        $paramArr['Address_Id'] = $address->getId();
                        $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
                        $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
                        echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

        catch(\Exception $e){
                $resultArr['result'] = "Failed";
                $resultArr['message'] = $e->getMessage();
                $paramArr['Magento_ID'] = '';
                $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = '';
                $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;

        echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

I need to update customer address using customerId or addressId, How this can be done? if address id not exist i am trying to get addresId from customerId and updating else i am creating new address for customer.

Here is my request json.

 "params": {
"Entity_Type": "Address",
"Entity_Attributes": {
  "Name": "test",
  "CustomerId": "46897",
  "Address": "test",
  "Address2": "test",
  "City": "Craigavon",
  "County": "test",
  "PostCode": "BT65 5BE",
  "PhoneNo": "656565656565",
  "FirstName": "test",
  "Surname": "test"

4 Answers 4


You need to call below api for customer address update

API : xyz.com/rest/V1/customers/2


Authorization :"Bearer ishamls4xu7pnwhlvup141502tjm3cl2"
Content-Type :"application/json"

Method : PUT

Parameter :

    "id": 2,
    "group_id": 1,
    "default_billing": "1",
    "default_shipping": "2",
    "created_at": "2017-04-26 14:31:22",
    "updated_at": "2018-09-01 08:08:47",
    "created_in": "Default Store View",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstname": "ABC",
    "lastname": "XYZ",
    "store_id": 1,
    "website_id": 1,
    "addresses": [
            "id": 1,
            "customer_id": 2,
            "region": {
                "region_code": null,
                "region": null,
                "region_id": 0
            "region_id": 0,
            "country_id": "MY",
            "street": [
                "No 545 Jalan balau 27/13",
                "sinar link Taman rinting"
            "company": "Mahnazfood",
            "telephone": "04040404040404",
            "fax": "01010101101010101",
            "postcode": "81750",
            "city": "Masai",
            "firstname": "ABC",
            "lastname": "XYZ",
            "default_billing": true
            "id": 2,
            "customer_id": 2,
            "region": {
                "region_code": null,
                "region": null,
                "region_id": 0
            "region_id": 0,
            "country_id": "MY",
            "street": [
                "Colony#3 Block#126/F",
                "Address 2"
            "company": "Prashant",
            "telephone": "9999999999",
            "fax": "00000000000000",
            "postcode": "45000",
            "city": "Lahore",
            "firstname": "Test",
            "lastname": "Test",
            "default_shipping": true
    "disable_auto_group_change": 0,
    "extension_attributes": {
        "is_subscribed": false

Note: Pass address Id in parameter so it will update existing address, if you not pass address id in parameter it will create new address for customer

  • @prahsant, I am getting below error, "A customer with the same email address already exists in an associated website." Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 11:33

check below code that helps you somewhat

 * @var \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface
protected $customerRepository;
protected $addressRepository;
protected $addressData;

 * Sync constructor.
 * @param \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository
public function __construct(
    \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
    \Magento\Customer\Api\AddressRepositoryInterface $addressRepository,
    \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\AddressInterface $addressData   
) {
    $this->_customerRepository = $customerRepository;
    $this->addressRepository = $addressRepository;
    $this->addressData  = $addressData;

public function changeAddress($customerId)
    /** @var \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\AddressInterface $address */
    $customer = $this->_customerRepository->getById($customerId);
    $customerAddress = array();

    $address1 = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Address'];         
    $address2 = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Address2'];
    $City = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['City'];
    $County = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['County'];
    $PostCode = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['PostCode'];
    $PhoneNo = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['PhoneNo'];
    $Contact = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Contact'];
    $MagentoDefault = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['MagentoDefault'];

    $FirstName = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['FirstName'];
    $Surname = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Surname'];

    $addressId = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['AddressId'];

    $address = $this->addressData;
    // update what ever you want
  • $addressId = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['CustomerId']; this line is not valid. why you are passing customerId to AddressId Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 13:29
  • in my request customerId and AddressId both are there, if addressId is passed, should check that address id and update, else using customerId, i need to check if he has addressId, update with that id , else create new address for customer, This is my full requirement Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 13:31
  • @jafarpinjar I have updated the code with addressId Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 13:54
  • hi @Murtuza, i think you didn't get my point, Please read my above comment, if address id passed in request, i need to update address for that id, else i need to check for customerId and fetch his addressId and update else create new address for that customerId, your code will work only if we pass proper addressId, if invalid address id or empty value passed , that time its not work i guess Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 14:00
  • somehow i managed to create address, but setRegion is throwing error. Commented Sep 1, 2018 at 9:14

If you know the address id $addressId you can use the address repository to load and save updated addresses:

 * @var \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface
protected $customerRepository;
protected $addressRepository;

 * Sync constructor.
 * @param \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository
public function __construct(
    \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
    \Magento\Customer\Api\AddressRepositoryInterface $addressRepository
) {
    $this->_customerRepository = $customerRepository;
    $this->addressRepository = $addressRepository;

public function changeAddress($customerId)
    /** @var \Magento\Customer\Api\Data\AddressInterface $address */
    //$customer = $this->_customerRepository->getById($customerId);

    $customerObj = $this->objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\Model\Customer')->load($customerId);
    $customerAddress = array();

    foreach ($customerObj->getAddresses() as $address)
        $customerAddress[] = $address->toArray();

    /*foreach ($customerAddress as $customerAddres) {

        echo $customerAddres['street'];
        echo $customerAddres['city'];

    $addressId = $customerAddress[0]["entity_id"];

    //$addressId = $customer->getAddresses()->getId();
    $address = $this->addressRepository->getById($addressId);
    $address->setPostcode('BH 1BD');
    // update what ever you want
  • How can we update it using customerId? I am looking for code with customer id. Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 6:35
  • check my updated code, for change address by customer id Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 6:59
  • you are not injecting _customerRepository, and can you please update the code for check if customer have address i need to update else i need to create new address. Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 7:05
  • $address->setCustomerId($customerId); is throwing error, Uncaught Error: Call to a member function setCustomerId() Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 7:10
  • can you update me correct code please. Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 7:31

I just created a new module but without own api interfaces and models. Instead I use the default ones of magnento-customer.

Could be a simple alternative.

See https://magento.stackexchange.com/a/297701/15114

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