If some section should be updated then customerData.invalidate(sections)

if you sure, that you really need update some section you can always do something like this: customerData.reload(['cart'], false)

This is taken from the answer Magento 2: how do customer sections / sections.xml work?

What is the different between invalidate and reload if they both update the sections?

1 Answer 1


I could not find much difference between invalidate and reload other than that invalidate triggers customer-data-invalidate

vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/web/js/customer-data.js @ line 338

invalidate: function (sectionNames) {
            var sectionDataIds,

            sectionsNamesForInvalidation = _.contains(sectionNames, '*') ? buffer.keys() : sectionNames;
            $(document).trigger('customer-data-invalidate', [sectionsNamesForInvalidation]);
            sectionDataIds = $.cookieStorage.get('section_data_ids') || {};

            // Invalidate section in cookie (increase version of section with 1000)
            _.each(sectionsNamesForInvalidation, function (sectionName) {
                if (!sectionConfig.isClientSideSection(sectionName)) {
                    sectionDataIds[sectionName] += 1000;
            $.cookieStorage.set('section_data_ids', sectionDataIds);

and reload triggers customer-data-reload

vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/web/js/customer-data.js @ line 328

reload: function (sectionNames, updateSectionId) {
            return dataProvider.getFromServer(sectionNames, updateSectionId).done(function (sections) {
                $(document).trigger('customer-data-reload', [sectionNames]);

However, both of them do the same thing i.e clear localstorage but it seems they clear different things in local storage.

For invalidate (customer-data-invalidate) following code is called ;

vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/web/js/product/storage/data-storage.js @line 72

initCustomerDataReloadListener: function () {
            $(document).on('customer-data-invalidate', this._flushProductStorage.bind(this));

            return this;

which ultimately calls

_flushProductStorage: function (event, sections) {
            if (_.isEmpty(sections) || _.contains(sections, 'product_data_storage')) {

same as reload (customer-data-reload)

vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/web/js/product/storage/ids-storage.js @line 82

initCustomerDataReloadListener: function () {
            $(document).on('customer-data-reload', function (event, sections) {
                if ((_.isEmpty(sections) || _.contains(sections, this.namespace)) && ~~this.allowToSendRequest) {

            return this;

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