I seem to have a problem with the reset-password-page in Magento 2.2.5. On my dev server with email configured, I successfully receive the reset-password-link via mail. Checking the database reveals that the rp_token is updated once I request a new password reset. However, visiting the reset link gives me a magento-404-page. ("Whoops, our bad...").
I also tried to create a fresh local install of Magento 2.2.5. Except I didn't set up email and just used the URL pattern to manually create the reset link with the corresponding data from the database (after I went through the forgot-password-form, so the token gets updated). Still the same 404 error.
It doesn't seem to be a problem with Magento itself since I also tried a fresh install of Magento 2.1.7 with the same
I configured the email service via mageplaza/module-smtp on my fresh Magento 2.1.7 install and the reset-password link works now. So the problem seems to lie there. The original install on my dev server is actually a migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2, I haven't touched the email settings since they were working fine for everything else. I'll try to mess around with the settings and keep this post updated, in case anyone runs into a similar problem.
disclaimer: this is my first Magento project
Edit 2:
Configuring mageplaza/module-smtp on my dev server didn't seem to help. All emails are being sent correctly, but the reset-password-link is still returning a 404 error.
Last Edit:
Looks like reverting the email templates back to the corresponding defaults at "Stores>Configuration>Customers>Customer_Configuration>Password_Options" in combination with a configured mageplaza smtp-module has solved my issue.