I've been searching around and struggling to find a conclusive answer to this.

I've followed the steps mentioned here: http://nsmchami.wordpress.com/2014/03/15/magento-remove-tax-from-invoice/

Which has removed the "Tax" header in the column, but it's still displaying the price, like so: Tax header removed but value still displays

So the question is how can I remove this price from the Invoice PDF?

Any help will be hugely appreciated.

2 Answers 2


Rewrite the model Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Pdf_Items_Invoice_Default and remove this

    // draw Tax
    $lines[0][] = array(
        'text'  => $order->formatPriceTxt($item->getTaxAmount()),
        'feed'  => 495,
        'font'  => 'bold',
        'align' => 'right'

the model Mage_Bundle_Model_Sales_Order_Pdf_Items_Invoice and remove this:

            $tax = $order->formatPriceTxt($_item->getTaxAmount());
            $line[] = array(
                'text'  => $tax,
                'feed'  => 495,
                'font'  => 'bold',
                'align' => 'right'

and the model Mage_Downloadable_Model_Sales_Order_Pdf_Items_Invoice and remove this

    // draw Tax
    $lines[0][] = array(
        'text'  => $order->formatPriceTxt($item->getTaxAmount()),
        'feed'  => 495,
        'font'  => 'bold',
        'align' => 'right'

Kindly open below file


Find blow code

// draw Tax
    $lines[0][] = array(
        'text'  => $order->formatPriceTxt($item->getTaxAmount()),
        'feed'  => 495,
        'font'  => 'bold',
        'align' => 'right'

and now comment this code. Problem resolved

  • 2
    You should never ever edit core files
    – Simon
    Commented Aug 4, 2014 at 10:01

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