I want to add Icons for Cart, Wishlist and Account Links in the header.
I placed them /app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/web/images/icons.
I know I can set the icons like (example cart):
.minicart-wrapper .action.showcart:before {
content: url(http://your-domain.com/.../cart-image.png);
But: Whats the URL to the Icons?
First I tried it like
http://your-domain.com/app/design/frontend/vendor/theme/web/images/icons/cart.png. That not worked, but that's okay.
So I checked out how the URL to the logo is and them I could find a working URL:
But there is 'version1533293004', that's probably a problem?
So, how do I get working URLs for my Icons?
Edit: Or can I override the default templates for this in my Theme? I kind of have my troubles with the Magento2 docs, hard to find such specific things.