In Magento 2.2.4 CommunityOrEnterprise edition default menu not appear on home page when enabled Varnish Cache.
Actually problem is related to Varnish Cache if I set Varnish Cache from Store -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System -> Full page cache -> Caching Application Set to **Varnish Cache**
then menu is not displaying.
If I set to 'Built-in cache' then it's working fine.
But on other all pages it's appear.
I checked and found that JS is not showing in inspect element on home page, so reason for this menu is not displaying.
in inspect element on home page showing like this
<esi:include src=""></esi:include>
Can anybody know it is necessary to select Varnish Cache (Magento Enterprise Edition 2.2.4) and what happens if we not select Varnish Cache?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.