Evgeniy Kapelko approach works, but deprecated from Magento 2.1(with certain version I might be mistaken).
Below infromation from class, that was used in Evgeniy Kapelko approach, confirm info about deprecation vendor/magento/framework/Model/AbstractModel.php
* Save object data
* @return $this
* @throws \Exception
* @deprecated 100.1.0 because entities must not be responsible for their own persistence.
* Service contracts should persist entities. Use resource model "save" to implement
* service contract persistence operations.
public function save()
return $this;
How correct to work with you model?
We need to use it like described in official documentation.
It can be little bit hard at the begging, but future code will be simple and clear.
In code below, we are going to update Shop entity name.
1) Create interface for you repository, with functions getById
and save
namespace Vendor\Module\Api;
use Vendor\Module\Api\Data\ShopInterface;
* Interface SampleInterface
* @package Academy\Database\Api\Data
interface ShopRepositoryInterface
* @param \Vendor\Module\Api\Data\ShopInterface $shopList
* @return mixed
public function save(ShopInterface $shopList);
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
public function getById(int $id);
2) Implement interface in you repository and define functions
namespace Vendor\Module\Model;
use Vendor\Module\Api\Data\ShopInterface;
use Vendor\Module\Api\ShopRepositoryInterface;
use Vendor\Module\Model\ResourceModel\Shop as ShopResource;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\AlreadyExistsException;
class ShopRepository implements ShopRepositoryInterface
* @var ShopFactory
private $shopList;
* @var Shop
private $shopListResource;
public function __construct(
ShopFactory $shopList,
ShopResource $shopListResource
) {
$this->shopList = $shopList;
$this->shopListResource = $shopListResource;
* @param ShopInterface $shop
* @return void
* @throws AlreadyExistsException
* @throws \Exception
public function save(ShopInterface $shop)
try {
} catch (AlreadyExistsException $e) {
//catch exception
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//catch exception
* @param int $shopId
* @return \Vendor\Module\Model\Shop
public function getById(int $shopId)
$shopListModel = $this->shopList->create();
$this->shopListResource->load($shopListModel, $shopId);
return $shopListModel;
3) Add Repository and RepositoryInterface to di.xml
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<preference for="Vendor\Module\Api\ShopRepositoryInterface"
4) Start using it (i'm using it in controller)
* @param ShopInterfaceFactory $shopListFactory
* @param ShopRepositoryInterface $shopListRepository
public function __construct(
\Vendor\Module\Api\Data\ShopInterfaceFactory $shopListFactory,
\Vendor\Module\Api\ShopRepositoryInterface $shopListRepository
) {
$this->shopListFactory = $shopListFactory;
$this->shopListRepository = $shopListRepository;
public function execute()
$shopId = 1;//use needed entity ID
* Create entity
* @var Shop $shopList
$shopList = $this->shopListFactory->create();
$shopList->setData(['name' => 'shop name']);
* Read entity
* @var Shop $shopList
$shopList = $this->shopListRepository->getById($shopId);
$shopData = $shopList->getData();//data of entity
* Update entity
* @var Shop $shopList
$shopList = $this->shopListRepository->getById($shopId);
$shopList->addData(['name' => 'bdn']);