Ì created a grouped product and some simple products associated with it on my fresh installed Magento project. Then I created a new category "kleber_category" and associated the grouped product to it.
Then I created a new site "kleber" and a link to it on the homepage.
How can I display all grouped products from the category "kleber_category" on the page "kleber"?
What I've tried:
- Find out the id of the category (3)
- Add the following line to the content section of the page "kleber":
{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="3" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
The page "kleber" in the frontend shows:
"There are no products matching the selection."
I changed the quantity settings from the grouped object to this, but it made no difference:
Enable Qty Increments: Yes
Stock availability: In Stock