In order to refresh my client browser with the last styles, I want to change the name of the generated files when I merge them.
What... where that name is generated?
I merge the css with System > Configuration > Developer > Css Settings > Merge CSS Files to Yes.
It generate a css like 9128734598173458912.css, but it's always the same name, and I want to change it each time I merge the css even the content doesn't change.
@xMageStore give me a good clue, but I think my solution is
public function getMergedCssUrl($files){...}
Maybe @xMageStore solution is better to add a variable after each file, like styles.css?version=1.1
It's a good way to refresh the client browser
I need to check more to find what's the best solution
? What theme are you using? Is it a custom theme, one of the built in themes or something that has been purchased?