Ok , I realise there is an opinionated side of this question , but I don't want to do this wrong and break an install.

I am relatively new to Magento , and when I install an extension there is a process : usually something like:

  1. Copy the first directory to your magento root folder , then
  2. Copy the second folder to the same place. I assume that this is so that magento doesn't try to install the extension while the files are still being copied.

I want to roll out a new site , and I want to do the whole thing with a script preferably rather than sitting there for ages installing extensions one by one.

Is it safe to copy ALL the extension files ( maybe 10 different extensions ) excluding their .xml files that go in /etc/modules - then copy the .xml files and run the whole lot by going to the site ( clearing cache , logging out etc ).


Should I use a command line to install some other way? ( they are files so I won't get from the magento marketplace directly ) .

Thanks for your time.

1 Answer 1

  • Yes , you can copy all files excluding .xml files under app/etc to avoid any issues while copying all extension files.
  • You can also do it other way like put the site in maintenance mode by adding maintenance.flag file in root folder. This way no user will be able to run your website .
  • You can remove this flag file once all files are uploaded.
  • You can also create tar.gz and upload on server and extract which will be faster way to upload extension files compare to uploading one by one using FTP.

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