I have one store (base) and I need to create another root category to test a new strucutre out so my plan was to create a new Root Category and then tell magmi to import into that... No such luck.

I've created a new root category called Testing.

Here is a sample of the Data.

12345, [Testing]/Level1;;[Testing]/Level1/Level2;;[Testing]/Level1/Level2/Level3

Every time I try and import this, I get this error:

On the fly category creator/importer v0.2.5 - Cannot find site root with names : Testing,Testing,Testing

Can anyone help me out with this one?

2 Answers 2


This should be like


12345, [Default Category]/Testing/Level1;;[Default Category]/Testing/Level1/Level2;;[Default Category]/Testing/Level1/Level2/Level3

you have to pass Root category in [] .


Please Update Like this


12345, [Default Category]/Testing/Level1;;[Default Category]/Testing/Level1/Level2;;[Default Category]/Testing/Level1/Level2/Level3

First,you have to pass Root category in [] .

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