We are planning to integrate Magento(1.9) with POS machine at our physical store. We need to implement the following features

  1. When an order is placed online the Magento will share the order details and customer details with the POS machine to print the bills.

  2. The POS machine will share the daily price changes and inventory/stock details with Magento. With this details, the price listing on the online store will change.

Is it possible to achieve this? please share your views on this. I am looking more insights into the second requirement. Hope someone can help me.

1 Answer 1


For case 1, you can use observer to archive the task. you can use the observer sales_order_place_after. This task must be performed on Magento side.

For details on using observer, you can refer to How to create an new observer on the event catalog_product_save_before

Observer list: https://www.nicksays.co.uk/magento-events-cheat-sheet-1-9/

For case 2, you can use built-in SOAP API or REST API to finish. I recommend you to use SOAP API.

You should build the API calls on POS machine side. For the procedure on building API call, you can refer to Official Document.

For your case, it involve 2 API call. For update inventory, you can call cataloginventory_stock_item.update. And for price update, you can call catalog_product_attribute_tier_price.update.

  • PLease accept my answer if my method works
    – PY Yick
    Commented Apr 19, 2018 at 9:03

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