I'm trying create and manage my Magento project with 2 domain on my webserver. I'm using Magento 2.2.2. 1. dev.test.com => for development. 2. test.com => for production. My idea is using github repo to push my update from development and then pull update to production but I have a problem now. I already created 2 domain on my webserver and tested it. Then I install and start coding on dev.test.com domain. Then I copied all files and folders in dev.test.com to test.com domain and modified env.php file to match with database and database user, then I use php bin/magento setup:rollback to rollback database in dev.test.com to test.com and modify web_unsecure_url to match with test.com. Final step, I clear pub/static/* , var/generated/* ,var/viewpreprocessed/, var/cache/ and do magento cache:clean.
Then I go to test.com to test but it gives me http_errors 500. What should I do to make it work Does anybody have idea for this issue? Thanks