I want to get a list of all attributes that do have the value Used in Product Listing
and Used for Sorting in Product Listing
set to Yes.
How can I easliy get all attributes with this value?
Try this
$readConnection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read');
$query = $readConnection->select()
->where('used_in_product_listing = ?', 1)
->where('used_for_sort_by = ?', 1);
$results = $readConnection->fetchAll($query);
$results will be array of database rows
If you need attribute_code you should join that with eav_attribute table, using attribute_id field
Use the following code,you can easily get all attributes with specific value.
$productAttrs = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_attribute_collection'); $productAttrs->addFieldToFilter('used_in_product_listing',1); $productAttrs->addFieldToFilter('used_for_sort_by',1); foreach($productAttrs as $_attr) { echo $_attr->getAttributeId()."-".$_attr->getAttributeCode(); ........... ........... }
This is one of the easiest way to get all details about each attribute.