Anybody have idea about how can i filter customer group pragmatically ?
I can able to get customer group collection by using below code.
$customerGroupsCollection = $objectManager->create('\Magento\Customer\Model\ResourceModel\Group\Collection');
print_r($customerGroupsCollection->getData()); exit;
[6] => Array
[customer_group_id] => 9
[customer_group_code] => first
[tax_class_id] => 3
[custom_shipping_amount] => 1200
[group_creator] => newnew
[group_creator_id] => 10
[group_code] => first
[total_members] =>
[group_validity] =>
[members_name] =>
[member_profile_image] =>
[group_shopping_amount] =>
[group_image] => /k/o/koala_1.jpg
[group_link] => first
Now i am trying to apply addAttributeToFilter but its not working !?
Anyone know what is missing ?
$customerGroupsCollection = $objectManager->create('\Magento\Customer\Model\ResourceModel\Group\Collection');
print_r($customerGroupsCollection->getData()); exit;
Getting unDefined Method addAttributeToFilter.