I'm still having issues with adding some custom .css file to my custom theme in Magento 2.2.2
I have followed the known steps like: (I'm using the Claue theme)
- Put magento in developer mode
- In this file:
I've added this line:<css src="css/file_custom.css"/>
- I've created the file_custom.css in:
- When I deploy the files the css file is generated in:
pub/static/frontend/Mgs/claue/nl_NL/css as "file_custom.min.css"
But I can't get it to load... What am I doing wrong? Do I need to deploy the files in the first place when I'm in developer mode? I think I don't :) But how can I get Magento to load the file so I can add some custom styling?
Regards, Robert